
Новости TON в одном месте

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💎 Following Notcoin and The Open League In recent weeks, an interesting situation has unfolded on TON. The ecosystem now primarily rests on two pillars: Notcoin and The Open League. The first project attracts a new audience to the blockchain with its simplicity, while the second provides financial support to major projects and launches activities for users. ⚫️ News about Notcoin is of interest to everyone. Comments frequently ask when and where $NOT will be listed, what the coin's price will be, and what lies ahead for the project. To be clear: it's currently impossible to give a definitive answer to all these questions. Only from Notcoin's pre-launch on Storm Trade and the price of vouchers on Getgems can one roughly estimate the token's cost. ⚫️ Speaking of vouchers, last Thursday, some lucky ones managed to mint and even sell NFTs. Prices for buying 10M coins reached up to 200 TON, but such figures should not be expected in the future. Yesterday, the function was launched for everyone, and predictably, the price of NFTs fell to 25 TON, and as of this post's writing, the mint queue is full, making it impossible to create a voucher. ⚫️ The Open League started testing the waters at the end of January through the Community bot. In the pilot season, quests were launched for five projects to obtain Soulbound tokens, whose owners will be awarded XP points in the future. Among the participants was Notcoin, and its SBT was collectively taken by 20k people. ⚫️ And recently, a large-scale incentive program for liquidity providers was launched with 1 million TON, aimed at increasing TVL on two of the ecosystem's main DEXs. Also, a royal battle is on the horizon, where TON projects will compete against each other for rewards – get ready to support your favorites. 📈 Right now, the most important events in the ecosystem are happening in Notcoin and The Open League. Stay tuned with us and participate in activities as TON rapidly gains momentum. @thedailyton
The Daily TON
136 дней назад