
Новости TON в одном месте

    С любовью для TON Community RUS

📒 Why create multiple TON wallets? ⚫️ Today we’ll talk about a seemingly obvious topic: creating additional addresses for various needs. Initially, this might seem like unnecessary hassle, but over time, each of you will definitely face such a need. ⚫️ The first, and most obvious example, is a wallet for work. If you're an experienced TON user, you likely participate in projects and establish commercial contacts within the ecosystem. For official communication, it's convenient to have a separate wallet. Ours is thedaily.ton. ⚫️ Also, if you're just an active community participant, having both a personal and a public wallet won't hurt. A public wallet can be used for contests, to collect NFTs and SBTs, and accordingly, to create a profile in TON Society based on this address. Meanwhile, a personal one comes in handy for storing the bulk of your funds and experimenting with high-risk assets. ⚫️ Bloggers and projects sometimes create special wallets, using them as elements of a show. The goal might be to increase funds or simply trade various strange tokens «live» as done on the channel Full Metal Jetton. ⚫️ Speaking of FMJ, our colleagues recently shared an interesting lifehack when using Simple Staking. We recommend reading their post to discover another way to use multiple addresses. ⚫️ And a bit more on lifehacks: there was recently a frenzy around the $GRAM token, where the simplest mining method involved connecting to a special site by providing a wallet's seed phrase (which is very unsafe). For such instances, many used a separate empty address with a small amount of TON to pay the commission. ⚫️ Currently, the multi-account feature from MyTonWallet is the most convenient for managing several wallets. This tool is free and has been available from the project for several months now. Moreover, you can choose the format that suits you best: browser extension, web version, desktop version, and mobile application. @thedailyton
The Daily TON
158 дней назад