
Новости TON в одном месте

    С любовью для TON Community RUS

👁 What could be more liquid than water itself? ⚫️ The stablecoin aquaUSD from Aqua Protocol is now 95% ready for its mainnet launch. Along with the announcement of thematic NFTs, the team has initiated a campaign on Zealy. By participating, you can secure a spot on the project's whitelist, which will allow you to mint those very NFTs on November 29th with a significant discount, or even for free. ⚫️ But let's return to aquaUSD. The token's backing comes from utilizing liquid staking coins from Bemo, Tonstakers, Hipo, Ton Whales. You provide your TON or stTON (with other derivative tokens to be added later) as collateral, and in return, Aqua Protocol will mint and transfer aquaUSD to your wallet. Essentially, protocol users can earn income from staking Toncoin while holding not TON, but aquaUSD, and use the latter as a classic stablecoin: for example, for payments and transfers, as well as providing liquidity, farming, trading. ⚫️So, why issue Aqua Genesis NFTs? Besides being part of a beautiful story about an underwater civilization reminiscent of Bioshock, owners will have the opportunity to: — Manage the project as an investor through DAO. — Earn 10% of the protocol's income monthly. — Gain priority access and discounts in future IDOs. — Enjoy additional bonuses within the project. ⚫️ The Aqua Protocol team sets an ambitious goal — to create the first native stablecoin on TON blockchain, thereby boosting decentralized finance in the ecosystem. All that remains is to wish the project luck, as its authors certainly don't lack courage. @thedailyton
The Daily TON
247 дней назад