
Новости TON в одном месте

    С любовью для TON Community RUS

Bitget Wallet integrates TON Mainnet Bitget Wallet, Asia's largest all-in-one Web3 trading wallet, has successfully integrated TON Mainnet into its platform, aiming to enhance liquidity and expand the user base of The Open Network. With over 12 million users worldwide, Bitget Wallet now allows users to effortlessly add TON with a single click, enabling seamless asset management and on-chain transactions. Additionally, the platform is gearing up to broaden its services, incorporating support for TON Ecosystem dApps, token trading, and the introduction of candlestick chart features. Innovative TON-based products, such as the Telegram Red Packet feature, are also in the pipeline. Bitget Wallet is committed to delivering convenient and user-friendly product experiences, paving the way to Web3 for its users. This commitment aligns seamlessly with TON's vision of building a Web3 ecosystem within Telegram, serving as a bridge between Web2 and Web3. For additional details, refer to the official announcement here.
TON Community
236 дней назад